Mortar Additive


The following specifications must be followed for the Tech-Dry Wall System.

Tech-Dry Mortar

  1. Mix 300ml of MORTAR ADDITIVE with 2 shovels (1 Shovel = approx 6 Kgs) of cement and 10 shovels of sand.
  2. The cement to sand ratio must not exceed 1 part cement to 5 parts sand.
  3. If a fattier mix is required, more MORTAR ADDITIVE may be added.

Construction notes

  • All Tech-Dry Blocks must be layed with Tech-Dry Mortar Additive to the correct dosage levels and in accordance with A.S.3700 SAA Masonry Code.
  • Walls must include horizontal weep holes at the floor joint in each block to drain away any water which may become trapped inside the blocks.
  • Partially fill the bottom course block cores with clean 20mm Blue Metal or another similar drainage material. This is to help prevent mortar from the following courses blocking the weep holes.
  • Ensure control and articulation joints are designed to prevent water penetration.
  • Partial reinforcement and core filling must be used in a single skin wall to control wall cracking.
  • Wall construction must be supervised by the appointed builder.
  • Enusre that the perpends are buttered on each side with a void in the middle. The mortar joints should be well ruled both inside and outside to provide a tight sealed joint.
  • Do not put mortar in the web of the blocks.
  • When building retainer walls it is imporant to have a good drainage system in place behind the wall.
  • When core filling Tech-Dry blocks some seepage will occur, make sure it is cleaned off before it dries.
  • All Tech-Dry blocks can be painted and rendered as normal.

Estimating Data

20 litres of Tech-Dry Mortar Additive will lay approximately,

3000 x Tech-Dry Bricks

1800 x Tech-Dry 10-01, 10-31 or 10-101B blocks

1700 x Tech-Dry 15-01 or 15-48 blocks

1700 x Tech-Dry 20-01, 20-48 or 20-101B blocks

1500 x Tech-Dry 30-01, 30-48 or 30-934 blocks